The Pathway of the Soul: Learning, Living and Giving

The Pathway of the Soul: Learning, Living and Giving

Portable Altar by The Summit Lighthouse
Today many people are looking for the essential truths that are at the heart of the world’s major religions, a pathway of the soul. They ask, “Is there a spiritual organization for the age of Aquarius that teaches this mystical connection?”

The answer is “Yes, The Summit Lighthouse.” Here Eastern and Western spirituality converge.

The mystical paths of Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Taoism and Confucianism are infused with profound revelations of the teachings of the Ascended Masters.

Drawing on these esoteric traditions, followers come together to intone the AUM, pray the Our Father, give devotions to the Divine Mother. They practice the Science of the Spoken Word, an Aquarian Age alchemy for the resolution of personal concerns and world issues.

International headquarters are in Corwin Springs, Montana in the beautiful Paradise Valley just north of Yellowstone National Park and has physical—as well as virtual—spiritual communities all over the world.

Discover the Pathway of the Soul—a path that will guide you all the way Home to your ascension in the light.

Pathway of the Soul – Opportunity for Growth

The ascended masters have mapped out a magnificent spiritual pathway of the soul for us, rich in opportunities for learning and growing.

The core of the path is to become who we really are. And because this is a tall order on a planet such as ours, the path laid out for us is not always easy. Yet it is a joyous path, where each step of self-mastery brings us new freedom and a sense of soul fulfillment.

The Summit Lighthouse offers Teachings of the Ascended Masters® workshops, seminars, conferences, and online courses as well as supporting local book study groups and community teaching centers around the world. We publish books, DVDs and audio CDs of the lectures and dictations given by Mark Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. You will find many opportunities to find out about the teachings and meet with like-minded friends at various levels of affiliation in order to help you on your spiritual journey.

Learning: The Educational Component
Explore the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, acquire knowledge and understanding, and go through the gradual process of assimilation. Learning is a ongoing experience.

Living: The Practical Component
Put into practice what you learn and apply it in life's daily circumstances and challenges, thus gradually increasing in self-mastery.

Giving: The Component of Self-Transcendence
As we mature on the spiritual path, there is an increasing desire to give back. This takes the form of service, both in a spiritual and a practical sense, and takes place in the context and environment of community. Service in turn is a means by which karma is transmuted and progress can be made in the realms of true learning and living, and by which we internalize the path. Giving is the realm of our sacred labor.

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